my journey to ikigai
Hello! Welcome to Ikigai Nutrition. I started my practice to support those struggling with health and weight management issues through nutrition and lifestyle guidance that is not only effective but also achievable and sustainable. Prior to my career in nutrition, I worked as a Research Sales Representative in the Biotechnology industry. Though the position was rewarding in some aspects, it quickly became evident that I was sacrificing my physical and mental wellbeing for the betterment of my employer. My resulting lifestyle was filled with poor habits and terrible diet choices. Thus when I finally decided to leave sales to pursue my new path in nutrition, I can say with sincerity that it was truly the best decision I have ever made.

Now I want to help my clients accomplish what I was able to achieve, as I strongly believe that we can all sustain healthy lifestyles by utilizing food as nature first intended. I aim to empower my clients in establishing their own ikigai as they develop and maintain healthier habits. For when equipped with the proper nutrition, we can all be at our individual bests in health and longevity.​
RD/RDN: Board Certified Registered Dietitian Nutritionist, American Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics / Commission on Dietetic Registration
Master of Science in Nutrition, Healthspan and Longevity from USC Davis School of Gerontology
Accredited Coordinated Dietetic Program with Dietetic Internship completed at University of Southern California
Bachelor of Science in Biochemistry from University of California, Los Angeles
The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (AND)
The California Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (CAND)
The Los Angeles District of the California Dietetic Association (LAD)
The Weight Management DPG (WM)
The Sports, Cardiovascular, and Wellness Nutrition DPG (SCAN)
Dietitians in Integrative and Functional Medicine DPG (DIFM)
Nutrition Entrepreneurs DPG (NE)